Belize is a place we had never originally planned to spend any time, we had already traveled through Belize on our way from Mexico to Guatemala, spending a total of 90 minutes there. It wasn’t until we met people in … Continue reading
Posted in Belize | Tagged belize, caye caulker, chicken bus, the split | 89 CommentsSo whilst everyone else was getting squawked at by angry parrots, or getting their brooms stolen by crazed Spider Monkeys, Tamara was busy tending to one of the youngest residents at the Arcas Wildlife Rescue centre. It was only a … Continue reading
Posted in Guatemala | Tagged arcas, baby monkey, feeding, guatemala, spider monkey, wildlife | 75 CommentsOur next destination after Mexico was Guatemala. We took a bus out of Merida heading for Chetumal, where we had a brief overnight stopover. We had originally planned to explore Chetumal a little, but instead decided to bask in the … Continue reading
Posted in Guatemala | Tagged boats, guatemala, jungle, monkeys, parots, poo, swimming, volunteering, wildlife | 36 CommentsAfter a hard week working long hours (we started at 8am and finished at midday) we looked forward to an action packed weekend of site seeing in Mexico. Ok so maybe it wasn’t that hard working a few hours each … Continue reading
Posted in Mexico | Tagged cenotes, chichen itza, Cuzama, mayan ruins, sinkholes, Tuc Tuc, yucatan | 36 CommentsAfter our epic adventure across America, we took a few days to regroup back in England. Catching up with friends and family, and to swap out the clothes we had been wearing for the last six months – choosing from … Continue reading
Posted in Mexico | Tagged children, drinking, merida, mexican bars, mexican children, mexican houses, mexico, tequlia, volunteering | 44 CommentsAfter 9 and a half thousand miles, it was safe to assume we were getting pretty good at this RV driving lark, yep, we were feeling pretty confident, having dealt with various stressful driving situations and having been shouted at … Continue reading
Posted in USA | Tagged 9/11 memorial, atlantic city, casino, drinking, empire state building, Friends, gambling, new york city, times square | 65 CommentsPicking up from where we left of in Washington DC, (the nightmare driving, parking, being shouted at by police fiasco) we legged it out of the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History and followed the SatNav back to the RV (yep, … Continue reading
Posted in USA | Tagged boston, canada, cheers, niagara falls, RV, toronto, vermont | 55 CommentsWe said yet another fond goodbye, this time it was Sandy and Carol in North Carolina. Feeling rejuvenated after our brief but well needed few days, we got up and on the road early. Next stop, Washington DC. The drive … Continue reading
Posted in USA | Tagged lincoln memorial, obama, the white house, washington DC | 15 CommentsAfter leaving nashville, and saying some very fond fairwell’s to all of the new friends we’ve made there, we made our way out towards North Carolina. After about 350 miles, just before crossing out of Tennessee and into North Carolina, … Continue reading
Posted in USA | Tagged blue star camps, north carolina, pigeons forge | 50 CommentsWe left New Orleans just in time, I’m not sure we could have coped with any more carnage. After a bit of a rushed start, as we had been up until 4am drinking again, and Katy had gone and booked … Continue reading
Posted in USA | Tagged elvis, graceland, memphis, music, nashville | 46 CommentsAfter our epic 500 mile drive (see our last post!) we arrived in San Antonio and found a campsite just passed a nearby ghetto, far enough passed it that we didn’t feel the need to worry.. much. It was late … Continue reading
Posted in USA | 8 CommentsOk. We’re playing catch up once again, almost a month since we last posted anything, down to a combination of laziness, poor RV campsite internet connections and being too busy having fun. Our last post finished off our time at … Continue reading
Posted in USA | Tagged Canyon De Chelly, Carlsbad Caverns, Hot Tub, Monument Valley, New Mexico, Roswell, RV, USA, Utah | 26 CommentsSo we’ve been joined by our tall friend Col for this part of our trip across the USA. We left Vegas at 8am (no easy task, as we had hit our pillows only 4 hours earlier… ) and made the … Continue reading
Posted in USA | 21 CommentsLocated in the State of California is miles and miles of wasteland desert known as Death Valley, called so because this was the fastest but most deadly way to get into the gold mining states of California during the Gold … Continue reading
Posted in USA | Tagged Death Valley, desert, Ghost Town, steve teece, USA, Wild West | 7 CommentsWhat happened in Vegas… Stays in Vegas… but here’s a little sneek peek…
Posted in USA | Tagged elvis, las vegas, nevada, sin, steve teece, USA | 15 CommentsSo we’ve finally landed in Fiji, currently sat in an air-conditioned 9 bed dorm (free upgrade, WIN!) in Fiji – View on a map! We’re ready to set off on our all singing, all dancing “Ultimate lei” Island hopping tour, … Continue reading
Posted in Australia | Tagged harbour bridge, new years eve, opera house, penguins, phillip island, sydney | 15 CommentsOur trip to Goldcoast was filled with lots and lots of screaming (mainly from Ben) as we decided we wanted to visit ALL the theme and water parks. First off we went to Movie World and were first in line … Continue reading
Posted in Australia | 21 CommentsSo we’re well overdue for a blog post, we know… but Australia has just been way to much fun… plus we’ve the added luxury of having our own room, a television and two beautiful dogs to keep us entertained when … Continue reading
Posted in Australia | Tagged grampians, great ocean road, kangaroos, koalas, national parks, parrots, rain | 29 CommentsWe arrived in Cape Town 4 days ago, concluding our Acacia tour through South Africa, Zambia and Namibia. We said goodbye to a few new close friends and good riddance to a few others ;-)… after 25 days in a … Continue reading
Posted in Africa | 15 CommentsCrossed the Zambezi River on a very ropey looking ferry (even ropier immigration), bear in mind this is the border crossing between Botswana and Zambia, this is the only point at which you can cross the river – hundreds of … Continue reading
Posted in Africa | 18 Comments ← Older postsBack home in England, enjoying a miserable winter!.